Essay: To write or not to write, that is the
Very early on in my writing career in my quest to
become a published poet & essayist I faced a very difficult question. I suffered from years of abuse and wanted to
reach out and share with those that suffered or still suffer childhood sexual
abuse and trauma. But, I knew early on,
if I proceeded down this path and ultimately achieved my goal of publication
that I would be bringing my close family and friends into the spotlight. A
spotlight they may not want to be in. It
was a tough decision that I had before me because for one thing some of my
immediately family had no idea I was abused.
It is estimated that one in four girls and one in
seven boys will be abused by the age of twelve by someone they know. That is a shocking statistic. It boggles the mind when you try and think
about how many children that really is.
And that is only the one’s we know if.
A lot of our children never come forward, remain silent, and carry these
scars with them for the rest of their lives.
If you are reading this then you know what I decided
to do. I had to do it. I mean, if you
could potentially help thousands wouldn’t you have to do it? Even if it meant hurting the four, or the
two, or the one. The needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
I don’t regret making that decision years ago. And, ten years from now I will feel the same
way I do today. And that is, if I were
only able to help even just one person or child that suffered as I did then it
would have all been worth it, regardless of the sacrifice that had to be made.
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